Tuesday, October 6, 2020

How to automate uploading backups to Amazon S3

With the method we’ll show you here, you can configure your daily, weekly, or monthly automatic backups for S3. It’s straightforward if you follow the laid down here.

How do I automate backups for Amazon S3?

1. Install and configure the Amazon AWS CLI

Install and configure the Amazon AWS CLI backups for s3

    1. Visit this page to find Amazon‘s detailed installation instructions.

    2. Configure the access ID, user profiles, and key using the following command:
      aws configure
      AWS Access Key ID [None]: <AccessID>
      AWS Secret Access Key [None]: secretkey
      Default region name [None]: us-east-1
      Default output format [None]: json

NOTE:  In the command above, replace <AccessID> with your access ID, secretkey with your secret key, and us-east-1 with your region. When in doubt, leave the region unchanged.

2. Create a batch file

  1. Open Notepad.

  2. Enter the following line of command into the blank Notepad file:
    aws s3 sync "C://Desktop/backups/" s3://your-bucket

  3. Press the CTRL + S combination and save the file with the .BAT extension.

  4. Click on the Start Menu button and search for task scheduler.

  5. Open Task Scheduler. If it fails to open, fix it with this guide.

  6. Click on the Actions menu and choose Create Task from the dropdown menu.create task backups for s3

  7. Name and describe the new task.

  8. Add a one timedaily, weekly, or monthly trigger.

  9. Click on the Actions tab.

  10. Select Start a program from the resulting dropdown menu.

  11. Find the batch file you created in step 3.

  12. Save the task.

This page contains a detailed, short guide on how to automate backups for S3. You only have to follow the exercise caution when following the steps.

After saving the newly created task, you no longer have to back up your data to Amazon S3 manually because the Task Scheduler will do it for you at the configured interval.

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