Tuesday, September 29, 2020

How to compress a .mov file on Windows 10 & Mac quick & easy

If having the highest possible resolution on your .mov files is not a must, then making them smaller can be a better solution.

This will reduce both bandwidth and uploading speed, with less buffering on the viewer’s end.

Compressing a large video might take up some time, but once is done it will surely free up some space on your device.

In this article we will show you some easy steps you can make in order to compress your .mov files in both Windows 10 and Mac, so make sure to keep reading.

How can I compress a .mov file on Windows 10 or Mac?

1. Use a dedicated software

One of the great things about WinZip is that it offers some really useful features, such as sharing, editing, or moving the files stored on your PC or in the cloud service.

This software is more than just a simple compression tool, due to its options that allow you to share, manage, protect, and even backup your files.

Using WinZip is extremely easy. Once the tool has been downloaded and installed on your device, you’ll need to right-click on the .mov file and choose Zip from the menu.

All that is left to do is choosing the desired location for where the Zip file to be stored.

WinZip supports the following compression formats: Zip, Zipx, RAR, 7z, TAR, GZIP, VHD, XZ, and more.

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