Friday, August 14, 2020

4 best LAN monitoring software for Windows 10

PandoraFMS network monitoring

Pandora FMS was released in 2004. This is a monitoring framework that supports infrastructure monitoring (networks and servers), performance monitoring and applications (APM) to transactional business monitoring (BAM).

It has a centralized management system and is based on a SQL relational database.

Like Nagios, it has an “Enterprise” version, but its OpenSource version is more than enough to implement any monitoring need. Neither Nagios nor Pandora FMS are “limited” versions like those of other manufacturers, but they lack some features oriented to large environments.

Comparing Zabbix, Nagios and Pandora FMS

  • User Configuration and Management

Zabbix has a web management interface that it is centralized through the database, just like Pandora FMS does.

Nagios, however, is still managed in thousands of sites through complex text files, scripts and manual processes, which also make it necessary to use third-party tools for deployment.

This has the advantage that Nagios needs fewer resources by not using a database to store information. The difficulty in management means that you have a team of people who manage Nagios.

  • Plugins and monitoring “out of the box”

Both Zabbix and Nagios need plugins in order to offer a set of complete functionalities.

Zabbix lacks an “official” plugin library for the community, but it does have a list of OIDs for SNMP queries.

Nagios has a huge library, but it’s not that well maintained.

Pandora FMS has a smaller library than Nagios (it does not reach 500 plugins), but it is better maintained. The tool comes with a collection of plugins and modules “ready to use”.

Zabbix has a powerful system for defining templates and triggers based on regular expressions.

If you want to learn more about the differences between this three software, you can read this analysis published on the official Pandora FMS blog.

Pick the best

If the PRTG Network Monitor solution is not to your liking, we compared the other 3 software solutions to help you make an informed decision. Let us know if you have any comments in the section below.

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in January 2019 and has been since revamped and updated in August 2020 for freshness, accuracy, and comprehensiveness.

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