Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Catch up on our Death of the IDFA RoundTable discussion | Pocket

In case you missed it, our most recent RoundTable discussion on publishing your game in China is now available to watch on YouTube, completely free.

For the uninitiated, the RoundTable sessions are a chance to listen to some of the brightest minds in the games industry discuss a hot topic. Moderated by PGBiz Editor Ric Cowley, these discussions are streamed live to YouTube for anyone to watch, with spaces open in the discussion itself to ask questions directly to the panel.

Our most recent session saw a panel of publishing experts discussing the death of the IDFA on iOS, and what this means for developers and advertisers. Joining us for the discussion were:

  • Jon Jordan, editor of
  • Matthew Saunders, director of user acquisition at N3twork
  • Julian Jones, chief publishing officer at Exient
  • John Koetsier, tech writer and analyst, and senior contributor at Forbes

You can watch the full discussion below.


Our next RoundTable session will be held on August 11th at 4PM BST, with a discussion on new, innovative approaches to monetisation.

Future RoundTable discussions will focus on topics like the rise of online events, pitching to publishers, and more.

And if you want even more insightful talks, discussions, and insights, be sure to sign up for our next Pocket Gamer Connects event, taking place on September 14th-18th.

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